10 Things To Learn From Top Fitness Celebrities

As economic status increases throughout the world, especially Asia, so does the increase in obesity levels.  We all know how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle and stay fit, but exactly how to do that can sometimes seem overwhelming.  
This article is going to not only introduce you to some fitness celebrities but also share 10 things that you can learn from them to help you accomplish your weight loss, and fitness goals.
So let’s dive right in!

1. Invest in your passion

Celebrity Fitness
Joanna Soh starts us off with a bold message to not just find your passion, but invest in your passion.
That means putting your priority, and energy to keep on learning and upgrading yourself in what drives you!

2. Prevent under-eating, over-exercising, and under-nourishing

Celebrity Fitness
Malaysian fitness celebrity Nana Al Haleq has a lot of advice to give when it comes to preventing under-eating, over-exercising, and under-nourishing.
Listen to your body and skip a day if our joints and muscles are feeling tired.
LIght workouts don’t mean they aren’t effective. Always keep track of your body fat percentage, so you keep your eating in check. Make an effort to read food labels and nutritional facts.

3. Always maintain healthy body positivity

Celebrity Fitness

Linora Low wants us always to remember to maintain a healthy body image.  This is important for our self-esteem, especially as you travel down this path to hitting your goals.
Mis Mafia did a great article on Linora, and you can read the full post here about her commitment to fitness.

4.  Eat carbs before your workout

Celebrity Fitness
According to Mark Banta, the popular Filipino,  “When it comes to getting ready for your workout, carbs should be number one on your list. Always take them an hour before you start exercising,” he explains.
“After the workout, we always consume a post workout drink (protein shake), boiled eggs, and chicken breast. Carbs are meant to be your energy source and protein is for faster muscle recovery and repair”, says Banta.

5. Don’t “Diet”

Celebrity Fitness
Milind Soman, the Indian model cum actor cum trainer, has a lot of advice for those trying to get in shape.  Whether you are 25 or 50 years old, the key is to not diet, but to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle.
Soman doesn’t follow any specific, calorie-restricted diet, although he likes to eat healthy food.
He doesn’t eat refined white sugar, instead opt for something sweet that is made of jaggery or honey – which means he avoids eating any food that has sugar in it, including packaged over-processed food, so no chemicals for Milind.

6. Eat specific foods for muscle gains

Celebrity Fitness
When it comes to building muscle, Prashant Sawant knows what it takes for muscle gain including the correct foods to eat.
In an Instagram post, he talked about the best foods for muscle gain, which include eggs, cottage cheese or paneer, chicken and tuna, as well as whole grain cereals and fruits and vegetables.
While eggs, cheese, chicken and tuna are all rich in protein, whole grains and fruits and veggies are important to provide your body with fiber for gut health and good carbs for muscle repair and an energy boost.

7. It’s all about how you move the weight. Not how much weight you’re moving

Celebrity Fitness
Steven Williams says it’s all about how you move the weight. Not how much weight you’re moving.
This entire thought process is pertaining to training to look like a fitness model, aesthetics and bodybuilding.
Once you master the art of consistent tension, contracting the target muscle group, and keeping a consistent tempo, then you then can go up in weight.

8. Cut out all sugars and don’t eat at least 7 hours before bed

Celebrity Fitness
I know you’ve heard it before, but one of Chuan Do Tan’s biggest advice pieces is to cut out all refined sugars from your diet. 
Sugar must be one of the worst things for your body when you are trying to get in shape.  On top of hindering your ability to get in shape, there are a plethora of reasons why sugar is bad for you and why you should stay away from it.
On top of this, in an article written Mothership, Chuando mentions that he doesn’t eat at least seven hours before he goes to bed. 
I found this to be interesting, but something that could be very beneficial as intermittent fasting has been used by fitness trainers to increase the pace at which weight is lost.

9. Keep a diary of your progress

Celebrity Fitness
Nor Soraya Ghazalie has made herself famous through her dedication and passion about staying fit with Yoga.
In her interview with Lipstiq she recommends keeping a diary of your progress because the slightest improvement is so encouraging and motivating.
She also recommends that if you are new to Yoga, and are shy about starting, you should look for a free class near you (they could be community classes on the weekend, etc.) and give it a go!

10. Believe that you can do it and don’t follow people blindly

Celebrity Fitness
Kumar Mannava is another one of India’s must-follow fitness gurus, and his advice that he gives to his follower is to “believe that you can do it.” 
He says that you shouldn’t follow people blindly, and that you should find the workout that works best for you. 
This is great advice because I believe that everyone’s bodies react differently to different types of exercise. 
If you have bad knees for example, you probably don’t want to run on a treadmill for cardio even though you might have read that running is the second best cardio exercise for toned up body and low fat.

Final Words

Losing weight and getting fit is not an easy feat. We all have different goals, and different reasons for hitting those goals. 
No matter what goals you have, the above tips are all foundation, and meant to last for you in the long term. 
I encourage you to follow some of these fitness gurus on Instagram.  I’m sure you will not be disappointed.
Source From - Pinay Nomad

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